Positive, supportive, loving, mature adults are essential to the church. This group has a wealth of resources vital to the health and growth of our faith community. Among these resources are wisdom, experience, tradition, stability, spiritual depth and love for others.
Many in The WOW Factor have invested years of service in the ministry of Xenia Nazarene, and they still have much to give! We offer learning opportunities, fellowship events, fun trips and activities, worship experiences, and service projects to keep life exciting for this delightful group. The Junior Varsity (ages 55 to 65 or 70) will have activities for those who still have work obligations. The Varsity (ages 65 or 70+) will involve those who are retired. There will be both separate and combined events.
Our normal standing activities are:
- Hymns & Word - Join Pastor Mike and Becky most Wednesdays at 6:30 pm in Room 211 for an inspirational hour of music, prayer, and a brief Bible teaching.
- Thursday Lunch Crew (TLC) Carry-in Luncheon - Typically held the 3rd Thursday of each month at 11:30 am in the Fireside Room. Bring side dishes or desserts to share . Meeting next on September 26 (date change from normal), then again on Oct. 24.
- Widows & Friends Breakfast - all Thursdays except the 3rd week, at 9 am at Xenia Biscuit World.
- Men's Breakfast - every 3rd Saturdays men are invited to enjoy breakfast together (Dutch treat) at the Xenia Frisch's at 8 am.
- Sunday School Classes - held Sunday am & pm
The WOW Factor group is led by Pastor Mike & Becky Hancock. Contact them or the church office for more information.