Gain the knowledge you need to take control of your money, plan for the future, and transform your life!
The couple leading the class has been trained to facilitate this video curriculum taught by Dave Ramsey and the Financial Peace University (FPU) team. The class is offered at the church once or twice a year--typically fall and spring--and is open to the community.
This life-changing class will help you achieve your financial goals by showing you how to eliminate debt, save for the future, and give like never before. You will be challenged and motivated to make a plan for your money and change your family tree forever.
Normally held over nine weeks, this FPU class will be condensed into seven weeks. It will be held on Tuesdays, October 5-November 16, at 6:30 pm at Xenia Nazarene Church, 1204 W. Second St., Xenia, OH. Cost is $129 for the kit and annual membership. Contact class coordinators Steve and Angel Goetz by EMAIL or PHONE or the church office (937-372-0708) if you have questions. Click HERE to register (required).